Sunday, September 8, 2019

To review the work you have completed in the course and to reflect on Essay

To review the work you have completed in the course and to reflect on what you have learned from it - Essay Example When I consider writing and understanding arguments within a paper, I realize that often papers do not just consist of an essay of thoughts. They also are not necessarily incorporated just of facts and research. The best thing I have learned about writing research papers is that sometimes when writing an argumentative paper, a person has the chance to research two sides of the subject and discuss the pros and cons of it throughout the paper. It allows for someone not to just look at one part of it, but to write a paper that is more informative when someone were to look at two sides of an issues. Some subjects are simply much broader. Through my desire to further obtain goals, it is necessary to continue the steps needed in order to achieve them. This class was part of the stepping stones that I have needed to take in regards to sounding like a more proficient writer and more intelligent person. Although sometimes I have ideas, it is hard to sometimes convey them in a written form. I have been able to better learn how to do that. In regards to some of the areas I think I have grown the most is in my selection of resources. Not only do I realize that I need two sides of a subject in order to tell the complete story behind a paper, I also know that research must be credible. What is always online is not always what should be believed. Some resources that are online are sometimes offered as scholar or peer-reviewed journal entries. Some organizations also offer helpful articles on their websites. When looking for true factual information, you cannot just go to some website and assume it is true. Wikipedia for example can give somewhat of a background about a topic but as far as its credibility, by its name you would think it was like an encyclopedia. Instead of it being an encyclopedia, it is a waste of time because it is not legitimate. I have learned other areas where to look for credible resources. Though

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